
Are Door Hangers Legal In Colorado?

Are Door Hangers Legal In Colorado

In Colorado, as in most states, the legality of door hangers generally falls under local regulations concerning solicitation and distribution of advertising materials. There isn’t a statewide ban on door hangers, and they are commonly used as a marketing tool by various businesses to advertise services and products directly to homeowners. Specific cities or counties may have ordinances that regulate the distribution of unsolicited materials, including door hangers.

Here are a few considerations when using door hangers in Colorado…

  1. Local Ordinances – Check with local city or county government offices for any ordinances that might restrict or regulate the distribution of door hangers. Some areas may require a permit for solicitation, even if you’re not directly interacting with homeowners.
  2. No Soliciting Signs – Respecting “No Soliciting” signs is critical. While door hangers are not considered solicitation in the traditional sense (since they do not involve person-to-person interaction), ignoring these signs can still reflect poorly on your business and potentially lead to complaints.
  3. Homeowner Associations (HOAs) – In neighborhoods with HOAs, there may be specific rules against unsolicited materials, including door hangers. It’s a good idea to check with HOA regulations before distributing in these areas.
  4. Public Perception – Consider the public perception of your marketing efforts. While door hangers can be an effective way to reach potential customers, ensure that your materials are professionally designed and provide clear value to the recipients. This helps minimize any negative reactions.

While door hangers are generally legal in Colorado, adherence to local regulations and respectful distribution practices are key to a successful door hanger campaign. Always research and comply with local ordinances and community rules before starting your distribution.