
Are Door Hangers Legal In California?

Are Door Hangers Legal In California

Yes, door hangers are legal in California as a form of advertising and communication. They are a popular marketing tool used by businesses and service providers to distribute promotional material directly to homes and businesses. Unlike placing items inside mailboxes without postage, which violates federal law, door hangers are placed on the exterior of a door, typically on the doorknob, and do not infringe upon U.S. Postal Service regulations.

While door hangers are generally legal, there are a few considerations to keep in mind:

  1. Local Ordinances – Some local municipalities in California may have specific regulations or restrictions regarding the distribution of advertising materials, including door hangers. Check with local city or county government offices for any applicable ordinances.
  2. Property Rules – Private communities, condominiums, and apartment complexes may have their own rules or restrictions regarding solicitation and the distribution of promotional materials. It’s a good practice to obtain permission from property management or homeowners’ associations (HOAs) before distributing door hangers in these areas.
  3. No Soliciting Signs – While door hangers are not considered direct solicitation, respecting homeowners’ wishes by avoiding homes with “No Soliciting” signs can help maintain positive community relations and reduce the risk of complaints.
  4. Content Regulations – Ensure that the content of your door hangers complies with all relevant advertising laws and regulations, including truth in advertising and non-discrimination laws.

Door hangers can be an effective way to reach potential customers, but approach their distribution thoughtfully and legally to ensure the success of your marketing efforts while maintaining good community relationships.