
Should Door Hangers Be Double Sided?

Should Door Hangers Be Double Sided

Are you looking to maximize the impact of your door hanger marketing campaign? One decision you’ll need to make is whether to go with a single-sided or double-sided design. In this guide, we’ll explore the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision.

Single-Sided Door Hangers


  1. Cost-Effective – Single-sided door hangers are typically more cost-effective to print compared to double-sided ones.
  2. Simplicity – With only one side to design, you can create a simple, eye-catching layout that quickly conveys your message.


  1. Limited Space – You have less space to work with, which can be a drawback if you have a lot of information or visuals to include.
  2. Less Impact – Single-sided door hangers may not stand out as much as double-sided ones, potentially reducing their effectiveness.

Double-Sided Door Hangers


  1. More Space – Double-sided door hangers provide you with more space to include additional information, images, or offers.
  2. Higher Visibility – The additional side can make your door hanger more noticeable and memorable to recipients.
  3. Versatility – You can use one side for general branding and the other for specific offers or promotions, increasing their versatility.


  1. Higher Cost – Printing double-sided door hangers can be more expensive than single-sided ones, especially for large quantities.
  2. Design Complexity – Designing a double-sided door hanger requires more planning to ensure both sides complement each other and effectively convey your message.


Whether you should use single-sided or double-sided door hangers depends on your specific marketing goals and budget. If you need a cost-effective solution with a simple message, single-sided door hangers may be the way to go. If you want to maximize visibility and have more space for creativity, double-sided door hangers could be worth the investment.

Whichever option you choose, make sure to design your door hangers with your target audience in mind and include a clear call to action to encourage recipients to take the desired action.