
How Long Does It Take To Knock On 100 Doors?

How Long Does It Take To Knock On 100 Doors

The time it takes to knock on 100 doors can vary widely depending on several factors, including the density of the area (how close the doors are to each other), the type of community (apartment buildings, suburban neighborhoods, urban areas), the amount of conversation engaged in at each door, and the efficiency of the person or team doing the knocking.

Here’s a rough estimation how long it takes to knock on 100 doors…

Basic Calculation Without Conversations

If you spend an average of 1 minute at each door (which includes walking up to the door, knocking/ringing, waiting briefly to see if anyone answers, and then moving on to the next door without engaging in conversation), knocking on 100 doors would take approximately 100 minutes or roughly 1 hour and 40 minutes.

Considering Conversations

If you engage in conversations at some of the doors, the time spent per door can increase significantly. For example:

  • No Answer, Moving On Quickly – If no one answers and you move on quickly, let’s still assume about 1 minute per door for simplicity.
  • Short Conversations – If you have a short conversation (say, about 2 minutes) at 1 out of every 5 doors, the average time spent per door increases.
  • Longer Conversations – For more in-depth discussions or sales pitches (5 minutes or more), if these occur at 1 out of every 10 doors, the average time per door increases further.

Realistic Scenario Estimate

Let’s calculate a scenario where:

  • 80 doors have no answer, and you spend 1 minute at each.
  • 15 doors result in short conversations averaging 2 minutes each.
  • 5 doors lead to longer conversations of about 5 minutes each.


Calculate the total time based on the scenario provided.

Based on the scenario provided, knocking on 100 doors, including time for short and longer conversations, would take approximately 2 hours and 15 minutes in total, or 135 minutes.

This estimate highlights how significantly conversations can impact the duration of door-knocking efforts. Keep in mind, the actual time could vary based on factors like walking speed, the layout of the area, and the length of each interaction.