
Am I Allowed To Leave Door Hangers?

Am I Allowed To Leave Door Hangers

Are you considering using door hangers as part of your marketing strategy but unsure about the legalities surrounding their distribution? Understand the rules and regulations regarding door hanger marketing to avoid potential legal issues. In this article, we’ll explore the laws and guidelines you need to know before leaving door hangers.

Here’s Why You Should Know Door Hanger Marketing Laws…

1. Private Property Rights

  • Respect Property Rights – Always respect private property rights when distributing door hangers. Do not place door hangers on properties where it is explicitly prohibited.

2. Local Regulations

  • Check Local Laws – Local regulations may govern the distribution of commercial materials such as door hangers. Check with your local authorities or municipalities for any specific rules.

3. Postal Regulations

  • Avoid Mailboxes – It is illegal to place door hangers inside mailboxes, as they are considered federal property. Instead, place them on the door handle or doorstep.

4. Solicitation Laws

  • Understand Solicitation Laws – Some areas may have specific laws regarding solicitation, including door-to-door marketing. Make sure you are aware of and comply with these laws.

5. Opt-Out Requests

  • Respect Opt-Out Requests – If a resident requests not to receive further door hangers, honor their request promptly.

Here Are Some Tips for Legal Door Hanger Distribution…

  1. Respect No Soliciting Signs – If a property has a “No Soliciting” sign, do not leave a door hanger. This sign indicates that the resident does not wish to be contacted for commercial purposes.
  2. Targeted Distribution – Focus your distribution efforts on areas where your target audience is likely to be receptive to your message, such as neighborhoods with similar demographics to your customer base.
  3. Professionalism – Maintain a professional appearance and demeanor when distributing door hangers. Avoid being pushy or aggressive, as this can lead to complaints and legal issues.


While door hanger marketing can be an effective way to reach your target audience, understand and comply with the laws and regulations governing their distribution. By respecting private property rights, checking local regulations, and following best practices, you can use door hangers as a valuable marketing tool while staying on the right side of the law.